Marriage Retorno was born from a desire on the part of couples who had previously experienced Marriage Encounter to be afforded the opportunity to receive “food” necessary for their spiritual growth as a couple.
The purpose of the programme is that the participating couples experience an encounter with each of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity.
Topics include:
– Searching for the will of God the Father,
– Discovering how to live the Gospel of God the Son incarnate in Jesus Christ,
– Receiving the grace of God the Holy Spirit so one can put into action the will of the Father and the Gospel of the Son.
The programme includes team couple presentations followed by periods of quiet reflection and sharing about Bible passages and handout questions. The heart of Marriage Retorno is the Word of God, therefore it is based on listening both individually and as a couple to what God is saying through His Word. The two-day programme also includes Holy Mass and prayers led by a Catholic priest.